You have three options:

You can buy the kits and do the analysis yourself;
#2. You and Cape Technologies can share in tasks;

#3. We can do the whole analysis for you.

Advantages and disadvantages of these options are
summarized in the  Analytical Options Matrix

What you must provide...  

If we do your analysis, you provide only the samples and
information about them to us.  Turnaround can be as fast as 
the same day your samples arrive at  CAPE Technologies.  

If you do the analysis, you will need the following:  

-- can be as simple as a small mobile lab
              -- see
Equipment List EL-002

Sample preparation equipment 
-- described in  Equipment List EL-002

Pipettors and photometer 
-- described in 
Equipment List EL-001
Note: Contact us for photometer rental.)

Sample Prep and Immunoassay Kits
-- listed in the
Application Notes
and described in
Products & Services