Cape Technologies
Centrally Indexed PDF Files

Products And Services

Products & Services    
DF1 Dioxin/Furan Immunoassay Kits
       (for US EPA Method 4025).
Sample Preparation Kits 
       (sold in conjunction with immunoassay kits).  
Reuseable Sample Preparation Hardware.

Analytical Options Matrix
Analytical services differ by option chosen:
1. Customer does it all;
2. Customer and Cape Technologies share in tasks;
3. Cape Technologies does it all.

Kit Inserts

IN-SP1-12   Insert for SP1 Sample Preparation Kit.
                   12 Samples.

IN-SP1-60  Insert for SP1 Sample Preparation Kit.
                    60 Samples.

IN-DF1  Insert for DF1 Dioxin/Furan Immunoassay Kit.

PS-DF1  Summary of DF1 Dioxin/Furan Immunoassay 

Materials Lists

ML-DF1-12  Materials List for DF1-12 Dioxin/Furan
                       Immunoassay Kit -- 12 Samples.

ML-DF1-60  Materials List for DF1-60 Dioxin/Furan
                       Immunoassay Kit -- 60 Samples.

ML-DF1-ST-A  Materials List for DF1-ST Small Starter
                            Dioxin/Furan Immunoassay Kit.  

Materials List for DF1-ST Large Starter
                            Dioxin/Furan Immunoassay Kit.  

ML-SP3-12  Materials List for Sample Preparation Kit
                      SP3-12 -- 12 Samples.

  Materials List for Sample Preparation Kit
                      SP3-60 -- 60 Samples.

  Materials List for Kit SP2-ST for positive
                       pressure processing of sample through
                       coupled column system.
                       (individual column pressurization)

ML-SP3-ST  Materials List for Kit SP3-ST- for positive
                       pressure processing of samples through coupled
                      column system (batchwise manifold 

ML-NF25-2  Materials List for set of two 25 mm needle 
                       funnels  - for addition of sample, wash, or 
                       solvent during  sample preparation using 
                       the SP3-ST pressure manifold system. 

ML-PC25-6   Materials List for set of six 25 mm pressure caps-
                       allows use of 25 mm columns with SP3-ST 
                       pressure manifold system

Equipment Lists

EL-001      High Performance Immunoassay Kits.
                 Recommended Equipment Purchase List.

EL-002      High Performance Immunoassay Kits.
                 Sample Preparation Equipment List.

IN-SP1-12     SP1-12 Sample Preparation Kit 
                       for rapid sample extraction and rapid extract 
                       cleanup of 12 soil or other solid samples
                       by liquid phase oxidation.

SP1-60 Sample Preparation Kits
                     designed for immunoassay specific extraction 
                     and rapid cleanup of 60 soil or other solid samples.

Application Notes

AN-007   Analysis of PCDD/Fs in soil at 500 ppt using 
               rapid extraction and rapid one-step cleanup.

AN-008  Analysis of ppt (pg/g) range PCDD/Fs in soil and
               sediment using rapid extraction and rapid cleanup.

Technical Notes

TN-004  Quantitation, Calibration, and Quality Assurance
               for Method 4025m

TN-005   Carbon Column Fractionation and Analysis of
                Samples for PCB-TEQ.

TN-006   Quality Assurance for Screening Method Data.
                (Do I need to follow up my Method 4025/4025m
                  results with analysis by conventional methods?)

TN-008   Technical Considerations for TEQ Analysis
                of Foods and Related Samples.

Technical References

     Measurement of PCDD/F  TEQ by Immunoassay:
                 Concept Development and Validation.

TR-002     Immunoassay Analysis of Dioxin in Soil:
                 Validation of TEQ Screening at 500 ppt 
                 Using Rapid Extraction and Cleanup.

TR-003     Demonstration of a TEQ Selective PCB

TR-004     Simplified Sample Preparation Methods For Rapid
                 Immunoassay Analysis of PCDD/Fs In Foods.

TR-005   A chapter on Immunoassay Techniques in 
                Environmental Analyses from the Wiley 
                Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry

TR-006   A recent conference presentation describing
                implementation of EPA Method 4025 for screening
                a dioxin contaminated site.

TR-007  2004 US EPA Field Demonstration Project
               under the SITE (Superfund Innovative Technology
               Evaluation) Program.
               Abstract (104 KB)
Full Text (1.4 MB)

TR-008  2006 US EPA Field Demonstration Project
              under the SITE (Superfund Innovative Technology
              Evaluation) Program.
              Report on Phase 2, using site specific calibration.
              Abstract (145 KB)
Correlation Plot (Figure 2) From Final Report (58 KB)
Sampling Info (Section 2.2.1) From Final Report (84 KB)
Full Final Report (410 KB)