Calculation Modules Overview
The following Calculation Modules are available for downloading.
Each Calculation Module is an Excel 5.0 workbook designed for 
a particular calculation based task relevant to the use of the DF1
Dioxin/Furan Immunoassay Kit. Each workbook contains
background information and instructions for use.

Calculation Modules Available
for Download
Calc A

Module A
Calculation of predicted immunoassay results
as calibration check

When you click on "Calc A Module" on the
left, you will be given the opportunity to 
SAVE the Module A Excel file to your
computer for subsequent use.

Module A allows you to use HRGC-HRMS
data to examine the relationship between
predicted EIA response and TEQ for your
sample set.  This allows estimation of the
degree of false positive bias required for
correct semi-quantitative interpretation.
Relative contributions of each congener to
total TEQ are also calculated. 

Calc C

Module C
Curve fitting and calculation of sample
concentrations from optical density values

When you click on "Calc C Module" on the
left, you will be given the opportunity to 
SAVE the Module C  Excel file to your
computer for subsequent use.

Enter raw EIA data for standards and
samples and use the Excel Solver function to
fit the standard curve and calculate sample
concentrations. No complicated manipulations
are needed - just follow the simple
instructions included in Module C.